Prostate Rapid Reference Set Application: Brian Haab - Van Andel (2006)

Abbreviated Name
Prostate Rapid Ref Set App: Haab (2006)
Lead Investigator
Haab, BrianVan Andel Research Institute
Coordinating Investigator
Feng, Ziding Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Involved Investigators


No abstract availalbe.


To evaluate TSP-1 as a marker to specifically detect prostate cancer using anitbody microarray technology

Analytic Method

Antibody microarray


To evaluate TSP-1 as a marker to specifically detect prostate cancer


  • No publications available at this time for this protocol.


Data Collections

There is one collection of data that has not yet been made public. Logging in may you give you access to the names of the non-public data collections.

Start Date
Feb 1 2006
Estimated Finish Date
Feb 7 2007
Finish Date
Aug 25 2006
Protocol ID
Protocol Type
Reference Set
Fields of Research
  • Proteomics
Collaborative Group
Prostate and Urologic Cancers Research Group
Cancer Types
  • Malignant neoplasm of prostate
Phased Status

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