About EDRN Cancer Biomarkers Data Commons (LabCAS)

LabCAS is a platform for building a data commons.

The Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) Cancer Biomarker Data Commons (LabCAS) is a data commons designed to support the research community in the discovery and validation of cancer biomarkers. LabCAS serves as a comprehensive platform for the storage, management, and dissemination of a wide array of cancer biomarker-related data captured from EDRN studies.

LabCAS provides the following:

Data Management in LabCAS:

It provides the following:

Scientific data collected in the EDRN Cancer Biomarkers Data Commons (LabCAS) can be made either public or private and secure for sharing with EDRN members. Data that is made public can be assigned a unique, permanent identifier, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows your data to be linked to publications.

LabCAS uses data models and data elements metadata, when a site submits data, to capture data consistently across the EDRN Cancer Biomarker Data Commons. Data can be captured and added over time, and it is linked and available for integration with different analytical methods and tools to drive data-driven discovery. This results in a consistent data architecture.

LabCAS Structure