Data Submission Form

Use this form to capture or link your EDRN data.

The name or title of your data collection.
Provide a short description of the data in this collection. Explain the methods and procedures used to collect the data, including any equipment, software, or protocols utilized. Additionally, detail any processing or transformation steps applied to the data at the collection sites, such as normalization, filtering, or algorithmic processing.
The name of the person that will be contacted with questions about this data collection.
The email of the person that will be contacted with questions about this data collection.
Select a primary investigator and the institution to which they belong.
Additional researchers, separated by commas, in priority order.
Select the protocol that generated the data.
Enter the name(s) of the cancer biomarker(s) associated with the data being deposited.
Collaborative Group:
Select the collaborative research group
If choosing "Other" above ↑, please enter the name of the discipline.
A comprehensive description of the methodologies and procedures used in the collection and processing of the dataset. This includes information on the experimental design, data collection techniques, equipment used, protocols followed, and any specific conditions or settings applied during the data acquisition process. Additionally, it captures details about any tools, software, or algorithms utilized in data processing and analysis, ensuring transparency and reproducibility of the research.
The specific device or apparatus used to generate the data. This can include mass spectrometers, sequencers, imaging devices (e.g., MRI, CT, Mammogram), and other specialized tools employed in the data collection process.
Categorize the data.
If you selected Other above ↑, enter the category here.
Select the body system.
Enter the species.
The results and conclusions from this data collection.
URL Description:
Select the description of the reference URL used to reference additional information or point to data in external repositories. The URL is entered below.
If you selected "Other" above, enter the description of the URL.
URL link to external or additional data described by this collection.
Digital Object Identifier that is associated with the data being described.
URL form of the DOI that is associated with the data being described.
If this data is private, enter the names of sites and/or people who should have access, ONE PER LINE.
Check this box ↑ if this data collection is private.
Have questions? Need to clarify something? Want to make some comments? Enter here.
Describe the type of data files that are to be uploaded.

After submitting this form, the Data Commons administrators will contact you by email to inform you of next steps.