Consensus report of the 8 and 9th Weinman Symposia on Gene x Environment Interaction in carcinogenesis: novel opportunities for precision medicine.


No abstract available.

  • Affar EB
  • Amelio I
  • Andrea A
  • Brugarolas J
  • Cannon-Albright LA
  • Cantley LC
  • Carbone M
  • Cavenee WK
  • Chen Z
  • Croce CM
  • Gandara D
  • Giorgi C
  • Jia W
  • Lan Q
  • Mak TW
  • Manley JL
  • Melino G
  • Mikoshiba K
  • Onuchic JN
  • Pass HI
  • Pinton P
  • Prives C
  • Rothman N
  • Sebti SM
  • Turkson J
  • Wu X
  • Yang H
  • Yu H
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