Pancreatic Reference Set Application:Sumio Ohtsuki/Kazfumi Honda-Kumamoto University (2019)

Abbreviated Name
Pancreatic Ref Set App: Ohtsuki/Honda (2019)
Lead Investigator
Ohtsuki, SumioKumamoto University
Coordinating Investigator
Feng, Ziding Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Involved Investigators


No abstract availalbe.


No aims available.

Analytic Method

No analytic method available.


For separating all cancer (or early stage cancer) from healthy controls, the three-marker score constructed from DYI, THL, and LLP has better AUC estimate compared to CA199 and significant coefficent in the logistic regression model after adjusting for CA199. It also has better AUC compared to CA199 and significant improvement in AUC when combined with CA199 for separating all cancer, early stage cancer, or late stage cancer)from acute benign biliary obstruction.


  • No publications available at this time for this protocol.


Data Collections

  • No data collections available at this time for this protocol.
 Team Project
Start Date
Feb 20 2019
Estimated Finish Date
Feb 20 2020
Finish Date
Sep 3 2019
Protocol ID
Protocol Type
Reference Set
Fields of Research
Collaborative Group
G.I. and Other Associated Cancers Research Group
Cancer Types
  • Malignant neoplasm of pancreas
Phased Status

Associated Forms