BRSCW Reference Set Application: Michael Wilson - EIC Laboratories, Inc (2007)

Abbreviated Name
BRSCW Ref Set App: Wilson (2007)
Lead Investigator
Wilson, Michael S.EIC Laboratories Inc.
Coordinating Investigator
Feng, Ziding Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Involved Investigators


No abstract availalbe.


The assay is an array-based antigen-down competitive assay that uses electrochemical detection. The assay uses monoclonal antibodies and an enzyme label (alkaline phosphatatse). The antibodies compete for binding between tumor markers immobilized on the assay electrodes, and tumor markers in the sample

Analytic Method

Data was to be analyzed at the DMCC


The selected markers are well established as "standard" markers fo ra range of cancers, and have been analyzed in the reference set as a benchmark for performance.


  • No publications available at this time for this protocol.


  • No biomarkers available at this time for this protocol.

Data Collections

  • No data collections available at this time for this protocol.
 Team Project
Start Date
Oct 10 2007
Estimated Finish Date
Oct 5 2011
Finish Date
Oct 5 2011
Protocol ID
Protocol Type
Reference Set
Fields of Research
  • Other
Collaborative Group
Breast and Gynecologic Cancers Research Group
Cancer Types
  • Malignant neoplasm of breast

Associated Forms