Proteomic Data Resources for EDRN Ovary Cancer Researchers within the EDRN

Abbreviated Name
Proteomic Data Resources for EDRN Ovary Cancer Researchers within the EDRN
Lead Investigator
McIntosh, MartinFred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Coordinating Investigator
McIntosh, Martin Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Involved Investigators


This project will generate a highly valuable data resource and make it available to all EDRN ovarian cancer researchers. The resource will include comprehensive proteomic (tandem mass spectrometry, MS/MS) data generated from plasma samples that have been collected between four months and four years prior to clinical detection of ovarian cancer. These pre-clinical samples, provided from the Beta Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) prospective study, will be interrogated using IPAS, the proteomic profiling method developed by the Hanash Laboratory and with the quantitative methods developed by the McIntosh laboratory. In addition, we will combine these pre-clinical data with already completed IPAS interrogations of plasma collected at the time of ovarian cancer diagnosis. Thus together we will provide information on both pre-clinical and clinical behavior of a large number of proteins. Based on our preliminary work we are able to quantify over 500 plasma proteins in each of these experiments, many of which are putative ovarian cancer biomarkers, showing the platform is capable of providing useful information regarding biomarker candidates.


Our specific aims are to: 1)   Perform two comprehensive proteomic profiling experiments. a.   Diagnosed between two years and four months before diagnosis. b.   Diagnosed between four years and two years before diagnosis. 2)   Analyze and disseminate the raw and processed data. a.   Search data from pre-clinical specimens and combine with results from clinical specimens. b.   Stage and disseminate data on queryable system and make available to EDRN. 3)   Provide MS/MS data analysis and interpretation support to the EDRN, and cooperation with the DMCC. a.   Provide consulting with researchers who wish to interpret the resulting ovarian data. b.   Process and stage other MS/MS proteomic data identified by the EDRN for dissemination through the network and under the supervision of the DMCC.

Analytic Method

No analytic method available.


  • No publications available at this time for this protocol.


  • No biomarkers available at this time for this protocol.

Data Collections

  • No data collections available at this time for this protocol.
 Team Project
Start Date
Jan 2 2008
Estimated Finish Date
Dec 31 2008
Protocol ID
Protocol Type
Fields of Research
  • Proteomics
Collaborative Group
Breast and Gynecologic Cancers Research Group
Cancer Types
  • Malignant neoplasm of ovary

Associated Forms