  • ILK-binding protein
  • LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 2
  • LIM and senescent cell antigen-like-containing domain protein 2
  • LIM-like protein 2
  • LIMS2
  • PINCH-2
  • PINCH2
  • Particularly interesting new Cys-His protein 2
  • particularly interesting new Cys-His protein 2
From NCBI Gene: This gene encodes a member of a small family of focal adhesion proteins which interacts with ILK (integrin-linked kinase), a protein which effects protein-protein interactions with the extraceullar matrix. The encoded protein has five LIM domains, each domain forming two zinc fingers, which permit interactions which regulate cell shape and migration. A pseudogene of this gene is located on chromosome 4. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2011]
QA State
Under Review
  • None
QA State for Prostate
Under Review

 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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