Round Table #4: Academic Industrial Partners
Room: Truhlsen Events Center, Room 1001 A
- Chair: Sam Hanash, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Co-chair: David Sidransky, MD, Johns Hopkins University
- Andrew Hoofnagle, MD, PhD, University of Washington
- Gerard Davis, PhD, Abbott Laboratories
- Mark Driscoll, PhD, Intus Biosciences
- DMCC Statistician: Ziding Feng, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- DMCC Staff: Kristin Rodgers, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- NCI PD: Sudhir Srivastava, PhD, MPH, National Cancer Institute
Suggested Discussion Points:
- Real-world examples of successful partnerships and their impact on early cancer detection technologies.
- Industrial partnerships' role in translating academic findings into practical diagnostic tools.
- Key challenges in moving from research to real-world application, including regulatory hurdles.
- Strategies for fostering collaboration between academic researchers and industrial partners.
- Overcoming challenges related to reproducibility, scalability, and regulatory approval.
- Best practices for technology transfer and IP agreements that benefit both academic institutions and industrial partners.
- The role of collaborative platforms, consortia, and networks in advancing early detection and biomarker validation.
- Strategies for effective collaboration between academic institutions and industry in designing and conducting biomarker-driven clinical trials.
- Potential funding opportunities to support academic-industrial collaborations.
- Identifying future areas of collaboration between academia and industry in early cancer detection and biomarker validation.