Round Table Discussion #3: Spatial-Omics

Thursday, April 18, 2024
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. MST

Room: Xavier

Lead by

DMCC support staff:


Mountain Standard Time Agenda Item


Platform discussion, Big Picture, Clinical Implications and Utility

  1. How is technology evolving in relation to early detection of aggressive cancer?
  2. Defining early detection applications - can technology identify “true precancer”? Early relapse and resistance detection?
  3. Does current technology provide single cell resolution? Do we need single cell resolution?
  4. Clinical implications?
  5. Longitudinal sampling?


Technical Challenges of Implementing Spatial-Omics Technologies

  1. Preanalytical considerations for tissue preparation (Fresh, OCT, FFPE?)
  2. QA/QC considerations
  3. Verification and validation of instruments
  4. Validation of methods and assays – reproducibility, generalizability
  5. Cost


Computational and Bioinformatics Challenges

  1. Benchmarking new tools
  2. QA/QC considerations
  3. Verification and validation of bioinformatic pipelines
  4. Development of user-friendly data visualization/analysis tools
  5. Data sharing
  6. Reproducibility of data across labs
  7. Cost


Open Discussion

  1. Establishment of knowledge Network (organ specific?)
  2. Organizing working group
  3. Generating collaborative projects ideas
  4. Summary of round-table discussion