Biomarker Submission Form

Fill out the following form in order to inform the Early Detection Research Network of a new biomarker being researched.

The name of the person submitting a biomarker.
Submitter's email address.

Biomarker(s) to Submit

Please either upload a file (PDF preferred but Word is acceptable) or enter text in the box describing the biomarker(s).

A file describing new biomarker(s); PDF preferred but Word is acceptable. If you use this option, there's no need to enter any text in the next box.
Describe the biomarker(s) being submitted. If you use this option, there's no need to upload a file.
Select a primary investigator and the institution to which they belong.
Select the EDRN protocol/study from which the biomarker was researched. Contact the DMCC if you need to obtain an EDRN protocol.
Select the body systems. You can select more than one.
Select the kinds of biomarker(s). You can select more than one, but check at least one.
If you selected "Molecular" as a type, please indicate the subtype by checking a box here.
Enter the associated publication's PubMed ID or its title.

Please double-check your email address as this will be the primary form of followup communication.