Establishment of Patient-Derived Tumor Xenograft Models of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer for Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Therapeutics.
No abstract available.
EDRN PI Authors
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Medline Author List
- Adleff V
- Brugge JS
- Drapkin R
- English J
- Fotheringham S
- Huang W
- Ivanova E
- Kirschmeier PT
- Liu JF
- Livingston DM
- Matulonis UA
- Mills GB
- Novak M
- Palakurthi S
- Papp E
- Paweletz C
- Piao H
- Pritchard CC
- Selfors LM
- Shen Y
- Velculescu VE
- Wulf GM
- Zeng Q
- Zervantonakis IK
- Zheng M
- Zhou S