Dubinett - Targeted Sequencing 2012

Abbreviated Name
Dubinett - 2012
Lead Investigator
Dubinett, SteveUniversity of California Los Angeles
Coordinating Investigator
No coordinating investigator
Involved Investigators


No abstract availalbe.


1. Use targeted massively parallel DNA sequencing to assess the presence of mutations in specific genomic regions in matched sets of primary lung adenocarcinomas, premalignant lesions, and adjacent, histologically normal lung tissues obtained from the same patient. What is the prevalence of common lung-cancer-associated mutations in a panel of adenocarcinomas or premalignant lesions from the same patient? What is their baseline prevalence in lung tissue with no histologic indication of disease? 2. To identify mutations whose prevalence is significantly higher in tumors and premalignant lesions than in histologically normal lung tissue from the same patient, assess the variability of this prevalence among independent specimens within each patient, and examine the biological relationship between mutations whose prevalence is covariant across patients. Which mutations may be useful as early markers of lung cancer in patients with subclinical disease and which may be clinically actionable? How much does the spectrum of known cancer-associated mutations vary between independent premalignant lesions or different samples of the same primary tumor? Are there mutations that are frequently associated with each other or mutually exclusive, and if so, does this covariance reflect the biological relationship of the genes in which they occur?

Analytic Method

No analytic method available.


  • No publications available at this time for this protocol.


  • No biomarkers available at this time for this protocol.

Data Collections

  • No data collections available at this time for this protocol.
Start Date
Jul 1 2012
Estimated Finish Date
Jun 30 2013
Protocol ID
Protocol Type
Field of Research
Collaborative Group
Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Cancers Research Group
Cancer Types
  • Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung

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